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Amended Form
* Name
* Email
* Date (Z)
* Operator
Select One Baron Aviation CSA Air Corporate Air Empire Airlines Mountain Air Cargo WestAir Wiggins Airways
* Spare Aircraft Base Location
* Field Administrator
Select One Ashley Cornpropst Foley Graf Holt Holmes Ind Klein Lott Mcandrew Odwyer Quiterio Swift
* Spare A/C Type Utilized
Select One Hot Spare Maintenance Spare Soft Parked Spare N/A (See Hot Crew Utilization)
* Purpose For Spare Utilization
Select One Scheduled Maintenance Weather Peak Only Flt Schedule Addition Other Adhoc Unscheduled Maintenance Crew Availability
* Hot Crew Utilization
Select One Hot Standby Crew Not Utilized Hot Standby Crew Utilized
* Was a DEVREP associated with the spare utilization? Yes No
Flight#(s) Spare was Utilized On
Tail # Replaced
Route of Flight Including Repositioning Legs
Flight#(s) Assigned
GOC Contact Name
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